Harris and Walz Call Them ‘Values’ – We Call Them the ‘Doctrines of Devils’

kamala and tim

Five Big Lies at the DNC Convention

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” (1Tim 4:1-2)

If Kamala should pull off a win in November, it will be the first time in history someone was elected on feelings, instead of their record.

Subjectivism and communism have always made good bedfellows.

How Does Kamala’s Empty Record Produce ‘Hope and Joy’

The theme of the DNC Convention is ‘Hope and Joy” – do they mean they hope they will win, and they get great joy from bashing and lying about Donald Trump. It is inescapable.

When did killing unborn babies and cutting up the bodies of adolescents to alter their sex, become values?

When did swinging open the borders, followed by giveaways, free stuff and murdered men, women and children at the hands of illegal aliens become values?

When did giving Afghanistan, billions of dollars’ worth of military hardware, paid for by the American people, become a value?

When did creating the highest inflation rate in decades become a value?

When did the exorbitant cost of food, fuel, and housing become a value?

Are these the ‘values’ Tim Walz was speaking of at the DNC Convention? Considering the empty record of the Biden- Harris administration over the last 3.5 years – that must be what they are talking about.

This is something we put in the shame-category, not the bragging section.

Perhaps, feelings of hope and joy are all they have left. There was not much political savvy, brains or patriotism at the old DNC celebration.

Who are these people? What happened to the solid democrats of yesteryear?

Are Smiles, Hoopla, Hype and Giggles All They Have to Mask the Lies?

There is a biblical principle derived from the scriptures, that shows up in political campaigns all too often. It is a tactic often used by the underdog, or politicians who are less than credulous.

The bible says Satan is a thief and a liar. As it relates to the faith, it is easy to grasp why he lies. He tells the atheist, agnostics and the indifferent lies, so he can steal their very souls.

Political rhetoric in campaigns, rallies and conventions is used to capture the vote and the loyalty of the unwary. It is often covered with a smiling face and a proclamation of good will, but the result is the same – power is stolen, and people are misled – nations fall!

The Five Big Lies at the DNC Convention

Courtesy of the Daily Signal, here is a list of the five biggest whoppers told at the DNC Convention, put forth by both Harris and Walz.

A Nationwide Abortion Ban

Trump Would Ban In Vitro Fertilization

Project 2025

Book Banning


For full details on each lie, go here.

We are not missing Kamala’s policy platform – There isn’t one!

The DNC was indeed a circus, and the rest of her campaign promises to be a traveling carnival show, but if you insist on a campaign policy platform, you will be disappointed.

We prefer to call them ‘doctrines of Devils’ – we’re sticking with that.

Check it for yourself.

Michael Bresciani


A Party at War With the Truth

Beware America – This Election Will Decide Your Fate Until the Battle of Armageddon

To read more articles by Michael Bresciani click here.

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Michael Bresciani
Michael Bresciani is the editor of new.americanprophet.org and americanprophet.org archive since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe. Visit us at USA.Life, Twitter and Facebook.