Jesus greatest miracle?

COMPLETELY/ABSOLUTELY FORGIVEN. The Miracle of Complete Forgiveness (Mark 3.20-30):

The New Testament records 37 miracles that Jesus performed during His earthly ministry. These include sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, life to the dead, health to the sick – and many other tremendous miracles supernaturally performed by Christ.

Which one was the greatest?
If you analyze them, they were wonderful, but ALL were only temporary.

The paralyzed, lame, mute, and blind that Jesus gave back eyes, fingers, toes, and skin eventually lost them all again when they got sick and died some years later.

Peter’s mother-in-law was miraculously set free from a fever but years later died of other causes which may also involve a fever.

The food miraculously created by Jesus was consumed by the five and four thousand and used up – and hunger returned the next day.

The eyes restored to blind Bartimaeus were used, worn out and dimmed by the time he died.

The hearing the deaf received was subject to the natural downward slide of the human body and faded, most likely by their death.

Those dancing feet after Christ’s touch that the lame possessed soon turned to a shuffle and stopped working altogether as they lay in bed awaiting death many years later.

Lepers who found fresh new skin and limbs saw them again return to wrinkles and weakness. Finally, immobility as circulation, respiration, and digestion were slowly assaulted by the weight of many years.

So yes, Jesus performed many miracles, but all of them, including one, were TEMPORARY.

So, which was the greatest of all Christ’s miracles?

The answer is the one that never faded, never aged, never ended. It was the miracle unfaded by time, untouched by health, unaffected by circumstances. The greatest miracle is the one that Jesus Christ is still doing in our midst today. It is a miracle that I have personally experienced. It is the miracle that most of us in this room have also experienced. It is the greatest of all Christ’s miracles – the miracle of complete forgiveness.

For more of Dr. John Barnett’s Bible teaching messages, go to: https://dtbm.org/

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New American Prophet
New American Prophet, The Website for Insight, publishing since 2005, believes in the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God. Our doctrine is the Bible from cover to cover. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Living God who died for the sins of the world by dying on the cross, he was resurrected on the third day and will return to earth at the end of time as we know it. Read more.