Top 10 Ways America is Being Groomed to Normalize Pedophilia

Shadow of a child

Respectable pedophilia. Are you ready for this?

I’m not and I will be screaming against it until the last breath. But it’s coming unless a massive parent brigade shows up in both schools and in another venue that must be deployed to overcome this depravity: churches.

The truth of God, proclaimed by His saints and confirmed in the power, blood and resurrection of Jesus Christ, fueled by the conviction of the Holy Spirit can prevail over the tragedy of child corruption. We can do this.

But first we must face how we are all being groomed, as child sexuality is being packaged and sold to America, even as the latest fashion trend (e.g., Balenciaga).

We must refuse to be enablers and then take steps to end this diabolical trend.

Here are the top 10 ways that child sexualization is being normalized in America.

  1. Child empowerment and consent. How long before we allow children to make their own decisions about health care, counseling, and then the choice of a sexual partner? Over thirty years ago, a child’s right to “freedom of association” showed up in a revised United Nations document, “The Convention on the Rights of the Child.” That document has not been ratified by all countries, including the United States. But it remains a cherished goal of global leftists.

Early homosexual activist groups boldly proposed lowering the age of consent, a strategy they quickly paused for a more subtle approach appealing to the broader U.S. electorate. But it’s returning as a subtext of safety and suicide prevention efforts, first showing up as health care consent.

Health care “best practices” now sometimes permit children to be counseled without their parents’ knowledge. Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics  flagrantly obtain consent for abortion and other services directly from even the youngest adolescents. These intentionally sloppy clinical practices serve as a cover for sex traffickers and predators to hide assault.

School-based health clinics and the influx of federal and state-funded school counselors and social workers bring more opportunity for minor children to be denied parental oversight about sexual behavior. Students can receive contraceptives and referral for abortion right at school. The sexual partners of these children are sometimes adults.

More recently, “consent” education to prevent child sexual assault is being recommended for elementary schoolers, which sounds fine until we learn that the group most often invited into schools to present these lessons is Planned Parenthood. The sexual left not only teaches children that they have a right to say “no” to unwanted touches but also that it’s their right, when they are ready,  to say “yes.”

And also, the latest standard advocated by the American School Counselor Association, the Biden administration (through proposed changes to Title IX sex discrimination law), the teachers unions’ and others, is permission to counsel a child about sexual orientation or gender identity and withhold knowledge of this counseling from parents. Hopefully, recent parent lawsuits and over 200,000 comments filed regarding the proposed Title IX changes, will dampen this trend.

Yet an even more insidious goal is being deployed. “Sex Ed for Social Change” is the SIECUS narrative that seeks to empower students through explicit school sex ed to revolutionize America. Early sexualization creates the victimized, rebellious child spirit that progressives can brainwash for destructive purposes.

  1.  Preventing valid objections to “LGBTQ” advocacy in schools. The influence of and intimidation by those promoting homosexuality and gender deviance within schools is mind-boggling.

One of the biggest successes of this movement is labeling all objections as “hate” and bigotry, thereby shutting off parental and school oversight of those who would corrupt minor children, including through sexual contact with adults. More recently, the partnership with critical race theory proponents has painted objections to “LGBTQ” behaviors as the equivalent of racism (inaccurately implying that some students—even elementary age children– are born homosexual or born in the wrong sex body). This invalid alliance has shut down any remaining debate. The new federal same sex “marriage” law will cement this misinformation even further and cause more incidents of discrimination.

  1. Obscenity disguised as “diversity, equity and inclusion.” One of the time-honored ways that predators seduce youth is by exposing them to pornographic dialogue and images. Recent parent outrage over obscene books in libraries like Gender Queer, Lawn Boy, This Book is Gayand others is often resisted by school boards. These titles are inaccurately defended as necessary for “LGBTQ” youth as a part of a school’s commitment to “diversity, equity and inclusion.” The school administration that falls for this defense is either corrupt themselves or hopelessly compromised. Obscenity is not “diversity” and every school already practices censorship, choosing some books and curricula and not others. So why not eliminate all X-rated media?
  2. Failure to address the epidemic of youth exposed to pornography. Because so many adults in our culture, even in Christian churches, are regular porn users, it’s no surprise that many adults are unwilling to take strong measures to ensure it’s inaccessible to children. The explosion in children forced to participate in porn production is heartbreaking, and it’s one of the biggest reasons for child sex trafficking. Cut off the demand and we will cut off the supply. How can we arrest this cancer that’s metastasizing so quickly?
  3. Cowardice. One silver lining to the COVID school shutdowns was the number of parents outraged at mask mandates and also at what their children were taught on ZOOM. Parents are finding spines they didn’t know they had, based in love for their children. This needs to continue as we take back school boards from those oblivious to child corruption.

But… challenges remain. We need more dads and grandads to take the lead on this battle. And we need, probably more than anything, pastors and churches.

  1. Christian church involvement is spotty and timid. Doesn’t Satan love it when churches remain silent while children are victimized? Many pastors have not taken the time to learn the details about what children face in schools. It’s often because they don’t want to know because they would have to take action. It’s daunting, no doubt, but sessions at churches to equip parents about how to address school issues would go a long way to changing communities and overcoming child corruption. Pastors should also be willing to testify in person at city councils, school boards and at state capitols.
  2. Innocence is “racist.”Another insidious trend is what James Lindsay covered in an excellent podcast called “Groomer Schools.” It’s the elite push toward cultural Marxism wherein, along with destroying the nuclear family, a concurrent goal is to discard childhood innocence. It’s either considered unnecessary or a remnant of white capitalist dominance. Don’t parents of color desire for their children to remain innocent? Despite evidence to the contrary, the  “queer theory” and CRT advocates are influencing more and more in the education professions to stop defending child sexual innocence because that position is essentially “racist.”
  3. Phony “support” groups for children can be a cover for predators. The presence in many cities of youth groups advocating “LGBTQ” behaviors—allowing interested youth as young as 11 to show up without parental knowledge—is a complete disgrace. Many are supported by funds from city councils, local banks, etc. If you were a sex trafficker, wouldn’t you eagerly volunteer in such venues?

Websites like The Trevor Project pose as helpful suicide hotlines for “LGBTQ” youth, but function to attract emotionally vulnerable youth as young as 13 to be counseled online without parental permission and given only one piece of advice: if you have same sex attractions, go for it. If you are confused about gender, your parents don’t love you if they fail to “affirm” your imagined identity.

Trevor Project also hosts “Trevor Space,” unmonitored chat rooms where adults can easily enter and link up with vulnerable kids. Might as well have a sign, “Sex traffickers welcome!” Many schools list Trevor as a respectable resource for suicide prevention. Instead, Trevor Project should be recognized as potential child endangerment and removed from every school site.

  1. New definition of “discrimination.” In case we have failed to notice, the left is setting up situations to further separate children from their parents, and it is coming through the deception of gender ideology. I’ve already mentioned the growing trend to counsel children minus parental consent. This is defended as “protection” under the assumption that some parents will harm their gender-confused child. The reality is that, yes, many parents will object to their 12- year -old beginning a course of unneeded, harmful medication. No school has the right to label a parents’ legal concern about medical decisions as a threat. And yet, that’s where this is going—to advance, through court cases, a minor child’s non-discrimination rights, even against his/her own parents. Once discrimination law is redefined to remove age restrictions, the left can have unfettered access to other people’s children, all in the name of human rights and social justice.
  2. 10. Minor children are given a voice equal to adults.Have you noticed the prominence of child advocates in recent years? From Greta Thunberg to anti-second amendment activist David Hogg , youth are propped up as poster children for various causes and taught to demand an equal voice in public policy. And it is being granted to them. Sketchy “social emotional learning” programsput student voices front and center.

Minors are being added in some communities to school boards. High schoolers testify at hearings, many opining about their own sexual orientation/gender identity. Few are saying anything other than, “I’m doing fine!” or, “If I hadn’t been able to come out as ‘gay,’ I would have committed suicide.” Playing the suicide card neuters governing bodies because the media will crucify any public official who seems to have no compassion for “vulnerable” youth.

And when responsible adults are prevented from intervening, guess who steps in? The growing predator population.

We could talk all day about light sentences given to actual pedophiles. Catching and convicting is just the first step. We must have a justice system that holds them accountable and still considers these crimes serious. As in the disturbing record of early release of pedophiles from California prisons, there’s growing sentiment in leftist judicial circles to go easy on known predators.

The move to abolish age distinctions and give authority to the immature is growing. Accompanied by leftist sexual goals, this spells catastrophe for protecting children from coercive adult corruption.

And tragically, all this sexual exposure is not creating less but more stress, depression, anxiety, reckless behavior and suicidality among youth.

It’s not just abortion killing our children. It’s the agenda of the sexual left.

Only you and I can stop it.

Photo: Morocco World News

Linda Harvey

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About the Author

Linda Harvey
“Linda Harvey became a Christian over 20 years ago after a youthful affinity to liberal politics and causes. She held executive positions in the advertising and public relations field, primarily in health care and insurance. In 1995, she founded Mission America and began to write, broadcast, and publish Christian conservative commentary. She is an author and hosts a radio show in Ohio originating from the Salem Media station in Columbus, and writes for,, and other websites including the flagship site for her ministry, . She is a graduate of Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) and is a wife, mother of two, and grandmother of three."Linda HarveyMission America Website:, WRFD: