This Isn’t the America I Know – How Many Understand What Their Government is Doing to Them?

protestors in Cuba

The winning team has left the field and we are left with tyrannical socialist wannabe despots

Freedom is fleeing and the communist overseers are moving into place.  The Donald was illegally tossed out, and the Leftist unhinged dictator was welcomed in.

The Left has been busy folks.  Check out the following:

This would be hilarious if it was not for the fact that so many in Cuba are being arrested and brutalized by police and government forces.  Government forces have been known to not only brutalize people that dare to protest, but also to kill them.

Here in the U.S., Black Lives Matter, led by self-absorbed frauds that spend millions of dollars of other people’s money on mansions – has come out in support of a brutal regime that kills people, and yes many of them are black.

Why does anyone support these obviously phony self-righteous people, especially black people?

From New York Post:

“‘Despite the Cuban dictatorship’s murdering and beating of protestors (many of them Black), BLM’s statement on Cuba…condemns the U.S., praises the Castro regime, and makes no mention of the atrocities being committed by the dictatorship,’ he tweeted.”

According to our Socialist-in-chief (I will not grant him the title held by current President Donald Trump), if you are one who wants free and fair elections, YOU my friend are a racist!

Secretary of State Antony Blinken invited United Nations officials to stick their corrupt noses into our business.  No surprise there.

Did we not already settle this issue????  The pee tapes have about as much credibility as the fox in the henhouse swearing not to eat the chickens.

Yes for sure, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley IS a hack, looking out for number one and little else.  His focus is on pleasing his masters, obviously one of whom is Biden.

The DNC remember is the group of nice people (cough, gasp, barf) who colluded with Hillary Clinton to purchase the made-up slander for use against Trump.  Of course, they are a bunch of useless scumbags.

The HHS sec. is another worthless good-for-nothing.  I just wrote about him last week:

HHS Secretary: Government Has the ‘Right’ to Know if You Are Vaccinated – Implies Possibly Forcing Vaccinations

Funny how many of those living in other countries seem to have a much better grasp of what a privilege it is to live in this country.  Far too many in this great nation see this country as evil and the reason behind the plight of, well of anyone and everyone.  You can thank the Democrat’s well-oiled propaganda machine for this – propaganda that begins with very young school children, that way these kids are completely malleable by the time they are in high school and then college.

Naturally, Big Tech has all the say.  Between Democrats, Big Tech, and the better part of all of the media – it is an entirely uphill battle to get the voices heard of those who love this country – true patriots, those who believe in the Constitution and the resulting unique government, as well as those who believe in and reverence our Lord.

Big Tech will simply censor you, label your article as fake news, unscientific, or even close your account.  The media meanwhile will just ignore the story if it doesn’t trumpet the prescribed Leftist values.  If the media does deign to report on an issue that isn’t in their collective comfort zone, they will not report all the facts and will even outright lie about it.

Democrats of course are en masse moving ever further to the Left, socialism has begun to win the day.  Democracy is slowly dying, but the cancer is fast reaching stage four and needs to be stopped and soon.  And of course, the Dems have the complete support of the Big Tech oligarchy and as well almost all of the media.

No one should be surprised at what is happening here.  We’ve been warning people for years, and now the chickens are coming home to roost – just like I and other commentators said they would.

H/T Sam J. – Twitchy

Article sources:
New York Post
TCP News

Greg Holt

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About the Author

Greg Holt
Greg is a strong believer in Jesus Christ and is also a political analyst, author, and is the Editor-in-Chief for the National War Council. By day he is a self-employed non-emergency medical transport driver, as well as being an author and blogger.  His articles are first published on Inspirational Christian Blogs, and I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! His articles have been widely published on many well-known conservative websites.  If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so leaving all links intact and crediting the author and the website that the article appeared on.Greg is the author of the newly released book: Spiritual Darkness is Destroying America and the ChurchFollow us on Facebook, and Twitter