We are living in a time of revealing. Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, Patriots, and other freedom and liberty minded people, should take the time to rejoice. There are many reasons to rejoice today but here is one that some may be missing – we should rejoice because the God-haters, the America-haters, the freedom-haters, the liberty-haters, in short, the satanic, demonic, Leftists among us are finally being exposed on a scale and at a depth never before seen in American history.
Leftists, Marxists, Communists, America-haters, and God-haters of all or no political persuasion, all have one thing in common – they serve a demonic master who has completely destroyed their innate ability to reason for the common good. I and many others have said for many years that Leftist politics, whether Marxist or Globalist, is a mental disorder. We are seeing that truth verified like never before.
Governors and Mayors across America, who march under the banner of the Democrats and some even as Republicans, have been doing us a great favor by showing who they really are. Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan, Gavin Newsome in California, Andrew Cuomo and now Kathy Hochul in New York, Kate Brown in Oregon, Andy Beshear in Kentucky, Tim Walz in Minnesota, Tony Evers in Wisconsin, and many others, have shown that their true allegiance is not to their constituency, is not to the Constitutional rights of their states’ citizens, but is instead to their utopian vision of all people living as serfs to the all-powerful state; In a word, friends, tyranny.
They are busy pontificating in unlawful and unconstitutional ways that are destroying individual freedom and our God-given Constitutional rights. The reason they are doing this is because they have done it before with little to no resistance. These Leftists, Marxists, and Luciferians, now hiding under the Orwellian moniker of Progressive, have enjoyed the complete sanctioning of the Mockingbird American media. The media industrial complex which is wholly owned by the Central Intelligence Agency obfuscates truth and as a whole, regurgitates officially sanctioned and carefully crafted disinformation aimed at keeping the dumbed-down American public asleep and coddled at the breast of an ever increasing Federal Government that has become in fact and in practice an oligarchy. This is tyranny friends. Americans are being enslaved and the vast majority doesn’t know and doesn’t care.
Today, Christians not bamboozled by false doctrine and teaching about subservience to the state as master, Conservatives not beholden to a political party for their voice, and patriots who understand the dire times we live in, are rising up and offering stiff push-back. Americans who understand what the founding fathers bequeathed to us are rising up and saying “no more.” Protests are growing and political fallout is on the horizon. It is long past time for all of this.
We should be encouraged by this, friends. However, we must maintain our strong opposition to what has embedded itself in our national fabric. Indeed, I believe we must destroy it as it is a disease and a cancer upon any free people and nation.
What you need to know today friends is that the Leftists, Marxists, Communists, Progressives in our midst, have all revealed their religion, they have unfurled their banner, and they are attempting a blitzkrieg across this great nation with one objective: the complete destruction of our freedoms, liberties, Constitutional rights, and way of life. We cannot allow them to win this war and we must aggressively oppose this take-over of America with every available resource we have at our disposal.
Some may be skeptical about my belief that the God-haters, the Progressives have a religion. When we take time to analyze the left’s madness, some call it derangement; we see that they all subscribe to a faith. Let me explain this.
The satanic Progressives do not believe that life has any real meaning. Thus, they give no thought whatsoever to the wholesale slaughter of unborn children. Their altar is convenience. Their mantra is my body, my choice, and is another way of saying I want my best life now. I want to have sex with whomever, whenever, and not worry about the inconvenience of a baby. Even the worse President in our history, Barack Hussein Obama (although Biden is about to eclipse him) admitted that unborn children are a burden and that women should not be burdened by a mistake. He is symbolic of the hatred and wicked indifference to human life.
Why do Leftists, Marxists, and Progressives treat human life as worthless or at best on par with a plant, a dog, or a frog? They do so because they believe human life is just one variation among many occupying earth. Their maxim is cogently stated in the silly axiom: from the goo to the zoo to you. You, Mr. or Ms., are nothing more than an accident of time and chance. In short, evolution is your father and creator.
However, human life is sacred. Humans are created as image bearers of the Creator. When Progressives, Leftists, Marxists, and Communists show their disdain for the most vulnerable human beings, those in their mother’s womb, they are also signaling their intent to destroy human life that does not serve the purpose of advancing the leviathan’s power, that is, the power of the state.
This is why Progressives advocate for euthanasia as mercy killing, refuse to oppose honor killing among the demonically charged Islamists in our midst, and protect illegal aliens who are known murderers and violent aggressors who daily commit atrocities against American citizens. This is why Progressives, Leftists, and their supporters refuse to investigate human sex and labor trafficking. Pedophilia is emerging as the Progressives new head of the spear, aimed at normalizing the sexual perversion of those who prey on our children.
Progressives and their supporters are modern day worshippers of Molech the Canaanite god that received the sacrifices of human beings of all ages but especially of children. Modern day Leftists are just as evil as their progenitors.
The religion of Progressives and I will include Progressive Christians, which is an oxymoron if there ever was one, is politics. Not just mainstream politics if that even exists anymore today, but “woke” politics.
Woke politics is nothing more than hatred of the Caucasian race. For white liberals it is self-loathing, for people of color it is cover for their blatant racism. The goal of woke politics and woke religion is the total destruction of America and the deliberately engineered restructuring of it as a progressive utopia where alleged marginalized people of gender and sexual dysphoria, people of color, people of aberrant practices and beliefs foreign to this nation and our history, will rule and enforce their version of justice upon the majority. If you are white, then you are guilty of crimes against these minority and special interest groups. That is what they believe and advocate.
If you think I’m exaggerating then you are deceived and ignorant, willfully or because of slothfulness. Here is what you need to know the Trojan horse called Critical Race Theory.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) has paved the way for special, focused, legalized racism. Most Americans are probably unfamiliar with what CRT is. If you have heard the pejoratives, “systematic oppression,” “institutional racism,” or “white privilege,” then be aware that those who use these phrases to justify their position are using CRT.
Those who have been deceived by CRT believe that racism is a permanent part of American life. It matters not that only they can see it. Racism exists in the eyes of the beholder only and according to CRT that is enough.
CRT rejects the ideals of a colorblind society where merit and equal treatment govern interactions. Instead, CRT agitates for aggressive, color-conscious efforts to fundamentally change what CRT advocates believe is white-privileged America, into a nation where people of color replace all perceived white power and privilege structures.
CRT has been most visible in the transformation of speech. Speech deemed to be hateful or racist by CRT adherents, is now condemned not only in public discourse but now, new laws are being constructed to limit the free expression of speech. This is nothing more than lawfare, the practice of using the law to punish those you disagree with. This is anti-American in spirit and practice. This friends, is a dangerous path and one that Christians especially should be advocating against.
Professor Bill Barlow sees the crux of the matter and warns of the danger inherent in CRT.
Critical Race Theory offers a potent mix: rejecting racial neutrality in the law, rejecting the liberal emphasis on individual rights, rejecting the possibility of objectively neutral legal analysis and embracing “the tools not only of reason but unreason.” It is an unusual combination for a theory originating on the far left.
If Critical race theory were just about affirmative action, perhaps we could let such indulgences slide. But Critical Race theory not only directs how to structure the university, but also how to structure the relation of the individual to the state. Racially-based taxes, racially-based employment quotas, racially-based redistributions of wealth: none would be beyond the theoretical horizon of Critical Race theory. All are justified by an appeal to inadequate racial justice, an appeal that can neither be proved nor disproved, an appeal that can just as easily be used for naked racial subordination. All fall within a context where speech labeled as “hurtful” and “racist” could be punishable by law, and opponents of the racial regime would be silenced.
To teach Critical Race Theory is to teach the latest in a sad line of theoretical justifications for legally-codified racism. As a proponent of academic freedom, I have no problem with this, just as I would have no problem for studying the legal justifications for other regimes that have codified race into law. But let’s not pretend that we are doing anything else, and let’s certainly not mandate the teaching of any such ideology.[1]
CRT is rabid postmodernism. As you will recall, postmodernism stresses the importance of the individual, his or her “lived experiences,” meaning his or her own reality, regardless of whether or not it is true. In fact, the perception of the individual is an unassailable mountain of truth through which all other experiences must pass through. In other words, according to CRT, truth as evidenced by reality is a western construct used to hold back people of color, therefore everyone’s truth is true for them. If this sounds like a different shade of relativism you are correct.
The difficulty we encounter today is that the viewpoints of racists utilizing and hiding behind CRT in order to propagate their racism and hatred are nearly incontestable. Running roughshod over other people’s rights, while maintaining the privilege to do so is utter lunacy. Lunacy codified into law is tyranny.
We are seeing this happen right now in America’s classrooms. The “1619 Project” is the current effort of CRT enthusiasts to revise history about race in America. The effort is aimed to create new claims of never-before-seen racism that the project’s advocate’s claim is deeply embedded in America’s core. It is not peer-reviewed, nor has it been vetted for accuracy. It was created by journalists and alleged scholars but lacks any real credibility outside of the race-baiting leftists that control government education in America.
Dr. Carol Swain, a former political science and law professor at Vanderbilt University, has written extensively about CRT and its devastating effects on liberty, freedom, and public discourse. In an essay titled “Critical Race Theory’s Destructive Impact on America,” Dr. Swain reveals that:
Critical race theory is an analytical framework to analyze institutions and culture. Its purpose is to divide the world into white oppressors and non-white victims. Instead of traditional forms of knowledge, it uses personal narratives of marginalized minority “victim” groups (blacks, Hispanics, Asians) as irrefutable “evidence” of the dishonesty of their mostly white heterosexual oppressors. The ultimate goal of this theory’s proponents is to remake society so that the victim class eventually displaces the oppressors and becomes the new ruling class.
Within this framework, white privilege and what they conceive to be its unearned benefits, are responsible for economic, health care, and social disparities in minority communities. It advances a narrative of blame that declares white America guilty for the plight of blacks. When it comes to education, members of the victim classes do all the teaching. It is a worldview and narrative that commands white people to sit in obedience and listen quietly to the arguments about their unjust gains as well as their obligation to provide a remedy for — in this case, black Americans, whether they are descended from slaves or not.
There is no way out for whites when it comes to race. Critical Race Theory assumes that racism is permanent and affects every aspect of our society, including political, economic, social and religious institutions. The theory further advances the belief that being born with white skin, gives unearned privileges.
Therefore, any expectation of societal attainment of colorblindness, in which race or ethnicity does not hinder opportunities, is impossible to be achieved. Neutrality in law and decision-making is a pipe dream that can never be attained according to CRT advocates. Therefore, this mistaken reasoning goes, the oppressive system must be dismantled and destroyed.
This flawed theory suggests that race and ethnicity will always taint and pollute every decision, and, as a result, racial minorities will consistently lose out to whites because of structural racism. The message is clear: If you are unfortunate enough to be born with black skin, you are forever a second-class citizen who pays a race penalty. Under this rationale, the most affluent blacks rank below the poorest whites when it comes to privilege and opportunities. We are asked to believe that more than 50 years of affirmative action programs and race consciousness have done nothing to change the trajectory or opportunities of people born without white skin. Critical Race Theory says every dysfunctional condition in black, urban communities can be traced to slavery and its aftermath. There is no place for the individual-choice initiative.
What critical race theory actually “accomplishes” is to create anger, frustration, and despondency among persons in the victim categories who internalize that destructive message.
Universities and colleges have created a cottage industry of people who profit from indoctrinating America’s future leaders with a dangerous and destructive ideology. These future leaders then spread this diseased ideology, like a virus without an antidote, into corporate boardrooms as well as K-12 public and private schools, both Christian and non-Christian. Standards normally used to reward academic credentials are sometimes relaxed to give more authority to watered-down factors such as “personal experience” and the narrative of victim-class members and less credence to whatever facts, science, and contrary data that persons from the “oppressor” class might dare to proffer.
Education is now about white privilege indoctrination. According to the narrative, all white Americans are guilty oppressors who have benefitted from their white skin even if their parents are, say, Appalachian poor or high school dropouts working at the local big-box franchise store (if employed at all). Once the oppressor label is applied, accepted, and internalized, a deadly silencing ensues. In some cases, animated videos with messages of white guilt and oppression shown to middle and high school students create damaging images where whites are taught guilt and minorities are assigned permanent and debilitating victimhood.[2]
The demonic nature of CRT is apparent. CRT advocates for the god-like status of their perspective. People are not permitted to decry their views because doing so is evidence of racism. When people convince themselves that entire races of people, in the case of CRT agitators, the Caucasian or white race, owes them something because they have developed a perceived experience, then any system of thinking that calls that thinking into question or labels it nonsense is perceived as a threat. Therefore CRT proponents and the numerous militant special interest groups that utilizes and supports it, are convinced that any and all resistance including physical violence is warranted. Violence is just one strategy of the social justice warriors today. Why would any Christian support this satanic wickedness?
If you want to understand the complete conquest of American universities all you need to know is that social justice and the larger theory of CRT is a religion, victimhood is its doctrine and their priesthood is anyone who hates whites, Christians, and people of any color who are conservatives or libertarians.
Now, CRT, and Social Justice are at the center of Marxist, Leftist, Progressive politics. Attorney General William Barr sees Progressivism as a religion as well. Here is what he said recently:
In any age, the so-called progressives treat politics as their religion. Their holy mission is to use the coercive power of the state to remake man and society in their own image, according to an abstract ideal of perfection. Whatever means they use are therefore justified because, by definition, they are a virtuous people pursuing a deific end.[3]
Now let me answer the naysayers who believe that Leftists, Marxists, Communists, Democrats, and Progressives are irreligious. Any religion seeks to answer four primary questions. Those four questions are related to origin, meaning, morality, and destiny.
In other words, where did we come from, what is our purpose, what determines right and wrong, and what happens when we die. Those are basic questions that all human beings seek to answer.
Progressives, Leftists, Marxists, and Democrats say human life is expendable. That means there is no supernatural origin, no creator other than Mother Nature. Since life is an accident there is no significance to it and therefore no meaning to life. Human beings can be sexually abused for the pleasure of their abusers and then discarded when no longer useful to that end. Jeffrey Epstein was a monster and a master at this and he knew of many other powerful people who treated other human beings as chattel. He was murdered under solitary confinement because he was going to name names.
The enemies of America such as the Obamas, Bidens, Pelosi, Schumer, numerous Hollywood stars, the CIA controlled media, and many so-called Christians who are in full-blown apostasy, believe that might makes right. The enemies of America want to wrest control of government from the hands of sane people who still believe “we the people” can govern ourselves, and deliver it to a cadre of technocrats that will tell us what is best.
The Progressives are fighting for the victory of their religion which is state power, and unrelenting coercion by the state. That is tyranny. But they are doing so because they think they are the virtuous ones. Their worldview makes them believe they are right, honorable, and just.
Here is how Thomas Sowell described them in his book “Vision of the Anointed.”
The great ideological crusades of twentieth-century intellectuals have ranged across the most disparate fields—from the eugenics movement of the early decades of the century to the environmentalism of the later decades, not to mention the welfare state, socialism, communism, Keynesian economics, and medical, nuclear, and automotive safety. What all these highly disparate crusades have in common is their moral exaltation of the anointed above others (fly over people; the great mass of despicables, to quote the Wiccan High Priestess Hillary Clinton), who are to have their very different views nullified and superseded by the views of the anointed, imposed via the power of government. Despite the great variety of issues in a series of crusading moments among the intelligentsia during the twentieth century, several key elements have been common to most of them:
- Assertions of a great danger to the whole of society, a danger to which the masses of people are oblivious.
- An urgent need for action to avert impending catastrophe.
- A need for government to drastically curtail the dangerous behavior of the many, in response to the prescient conclusions of the few.
- A disdainful dismissal of arguments to the contrary as either uninformed, irresponsible, or motivated by unworthy purposes.
When their agendas fail to deliver on promises, they always respond “where would we be if we didn’t have these programs in place? How much worse would it have been?”
In short, no matter what happens, the vision of the anointed always succeeds, if not by the original criteria, then by criteria extemporized later—and if not by empirical criteria, then by criteria sufficiently subjective to escape even the possibility of refutation. Evidence becomes irrelevant.
Listen friends, we must rise up in unison and fight back against these evil people in our government, in our society, in our businesses, and yes, even in some churches who are being led into deception and ultimately hell itself by pastors and ministry leaders under the spirit of the age, which is to say the spirit of antichrist.
Dr. Mike Spaulding
To read more articles by Dr. Mike Spaulding click here.
[1] Bill Barlow, Racism Justified: A Critical Look at Critical Race Theory. Found here – http://hlrecord.org/2016/02/racism-justified-a-critical-look-at-critical-race-theory/
[2] Dr. Swain’s essay found here – https://1776unites.com/scholars/carol-m-swain/essay/525154172
[3] Cited in David Kupelian, The World’s Deadliest Religion Is Not What You Think, WND Online – https://www.wnd.com/2020/04/worlds-deadliest-religion-not-think/