The coming storm

As we open Revelation 8 today, we will again find incredible insights into our Great God in each chapter.

Each of this book’s 404 verses is like a tiny window into understanding a bit more of our All-Powerful and Almighty God.

Almost every one of the seven teaching truths or “doctrines” presented in this chapter is tied to the same doctrines in the other books of the Bible that God has already taught us.

Here is what we see taught in Revelation 8:

1. The doctrine of Inspiration: God Designed Revelation to Connect the Rest of the Bible (8:1a)

2. The doctrine of Prayer: God Designed Prayer As our Vital Connection to Him (8:1b-4)

3. The doctrine of Sovereignty: God Connects Our Prayers to His Plan (8:5-6)

4. The Doctrine that God is the ONLY Giver & Sustainer of Life (8:7)

5. The Doctrine that God ALONE Holds the Breath of Life in His Hands (8:8-9)

6. The Doctrine that God EXCLUSIVELY Controls the Water of Life (8:10-11)

7. The Doctrine that God is THE Source of the Light of Life (8:12)

Now, walk with me through each verse, and let me explain these doctrines.

1. The Doctrine of Inspiration: God Designed the Book of Revelation to Connect All the Rest of the Bible

Revelation 8:1a (NKJV) When He opened the seventh seal,

We are here introduced to the seventh seal. The amazing detailed numbers that God uses as a framework to our understanding of His plan, is part of what we need to see, to help us fit everything together that God is telling us.

First, we see how God uses numbers at times to communicate truths to us. He has a set of seven numbered seals. That means that there were six seals before this one. Those seals started in chapter 6. We have already studied each one. But think of them as a literal set of events that happen in a specific order, and they are a tool in God’s plan, that is yet future.

God’s Word Uses Literal, Historical, Grammatical Communication

The Bible is very easy to understand when we look at it the same way that we look at almost all other communications in life. When we talk, read letters, assignments, menus, texts, and so on, we use this plain, normal sense of literal meanings of words.

For example: when someone tells us: “Two days, three scratches, and five bumps”, we interpret those words as literal and framed by the context of our communication.

If those words were medically tied we are looking for changes in health.
If those words are tied to our car, we are hearing about car body repair or damage.

To understand God’s Word, just read the Bible as if God was trying to explain to us His plan, in plain English. That is what God has done.

Now, for a moment, look at the sets of sevens that God has already shown us. There is a reason for this repeated usage of sevens. God designed completed sets in groups of seven. For example, seven days represents a complete week of days.

In chapters 2-3, the seven lampstands represent the seven churches, which represent all churches of all ages that Christ’s church would exist on Earth.

The seven cities that were written to represent all the cities churches would ever exist in. God addresses this message to all believers in all churches for all ages and uses the seven to represent all as a set, a complete list.

So the seals, in one sense, represent all of God’s plans to judge this sinful world and end the rebellion against His holy and absolute rule.
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About the Author

New American Prophet, The Website for Insight, publishing since 2005, believes in the inspired, inerrant and infallible Word of God. Our doctrine is the Bible from cover to cover. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Living God who died for the sins of the world by dying on the cross, he was resurrected on the third day and will return to earth at the end of time as we know it. Read more: