“If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.”
This is wise counsel whenever the media and “experts” insist that you not believe your lying eyes.
Take this ongoing issue where men who perfectly fit the profile of “radical Muslims,” engage in the usual acts of Islamic terrorism, only for the “authorities” to tell us not to be “hasty” and jump to conclusions.
Remember, for example, Muganwa Rudakubana, the African son of migrants who stabbed to death three little girls (aged six, seven, and nine) in Southport, England last summer? Although the stabbing of random people, especially children, has long been a chief hallmark of Islamic terrorism—openly sponsored by ISIS no less—British media and politicians were quick to shame anyone who dared suggest that the murderer was a Muslim. Instead, they insisted that he was a Christian, whose family was “heavily involved with the local church.”
A few months later, it turned out that this supposed “Christian” was reading jihadist literature—including a document called “Military studies in the Jihad against Tyrants”—and had even produced the biological toxin ricin in an effort to kill even more infidels.
Then there was the Syrian asylum seeker in France who, a year earlier, in the summer of 2023, also went on a wild stabbing spree in a playground — repeatedly stabbing one toddler and knifing a total of four children, aged three. Again, although this was very typical jihadist behavior, the media told us not so fast—he was obviously a Christian since his name was very Christian sounding (Abdulmasih, “servant of Christ”) and, rather than issue the usual Muslim war-cry that accompanies such attacks—“Allahu akbar”—he had reportedly cried out, “in the name of Jesus Christ!” before initiating his rampage.
A day or two later, however, Christian migrants from Syria stepped forward saying they recognized the stabber as one of the Islamic terrorists that had operated in Syria, “whom we know all too well, and who have completely ruined our lives.” One of these Christian migrants said,
Today I ask of every person who has any connection to Europe’s intelligence and security agencies, if you hear this video, to translate and deliver its information to these agencies. This man’s name is Silwan Majid, from among the takfiri groups that were operating in Syria in the city of al-Hasakah….. This criminal, and thousands like him, are now in Europe, right in the midst of your societies, families, and children.
More recently, Henri d’Anselme, a young Frenchman who had intervened and helped stop the stabbing spree in the French playground, also revealed in an interview that a magistrate had confirmed to him that the stabber was not Christian but a member of ISIS who was pretending to be Christian.
Of course, for those in the know, “revelations” such as these—that the two migrant stabbers of children in England and France were Muslim, after all—are rather superfluous. We have and rely on something called common sense: “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.”
Indeed, before both revelations, when the media was insisting that these two terrorists were Christian, I offered numerous reasons as to why both were almost certainly Muslims acting out their jihad (English case here, French case here).
The bottom line is this: Islam allows, and in some cases advocates for, Muslims to deceive non-Muslims, including by pretending to be Christian. This is why I am convinced that all those other terrorists, who the media continue to present as “Christian”—such as Taleb al-Abdulmohsen, a Saudi who killed six people and injured 300 others at a Christmas market in Germany, 2024, and Emad al-Swealmeen, who bombed a Liverpool hospital in 2021—are Muslim terrorists in sheeps’ clothing.
Not only is the deception of non-Muslims an ironclad aspect of sharia—with taqiyya being just one of the most notorious such doctrines—but both the past and present furnish countless examples.
For instance, in 1492, the Christians of Spain finally re-conquered Granada, the final Muslim bastion in Spain which had long terrorized Christians. Soon thereafter, and because the denizens of Granada continued to promote jihadist uprisings and subversions, all Muslims were offered two choices: convert to Christianity—and therefore slough off their jihadist animus to Christians—and remain in Spain; or stay Muslim but quit the peninsula and return to North Africa.
The entire population of Granada—hundreds of thousands of Muslims—responded by openly embracing Christianity but remaining crypto-Muslims. Publicly they went to church and baptized their children; at home they recited the Koran, preached undying hate for the infidel and their obligation to re-subjugate Spain to Islam. And all this deception was legitimized by the fatwas of leading Islamic clerics.
One historian explains the great lengths these “Moriscos”—that is, Muslim converts to Christianity who remained clandestine Muslims—went to deceive the Christians:
For a Morisco to pass as a good Christian took more than a simple statement to that effect. It required a sustained performance involving hundreds of individual statements and actions of different types, many of which might have little to do with expressions of belief or ritual per se. Dissimulation [taqiyya] was an institutionalized practice in Morisco communities that involved regular patterns of behaviour passed on from one generation to the next.
Despite this elaborate masquerade, Christians increasingly caught on: “With the permission and license that their accursed sect [Islam] accorded them,” a frustrated Spaniard remarked in the seventeenth century, “they could feign any religion outwardly and without sinning, as long as they kept their hearts nevertheless devoted to their false impostor of a prophet. We saw so many of them who died while worshipping the Cross and speaking well of our Catholic Religion yet who were inwardly excellent Muslims.”
Thus generation after generation of Muslims pretended to be and lived as model Christians—even as they had nothing but hatred for Christianity and Christians—and all to remain and eventually reconquer Spain for Islam.
The same thing continues into the modern era. For example, in 2013 an assassination plot against a Christian pastor in Turkey was exposed; 14 Muslim suspects, including at least three women, were arrested. According to the pastor in question, Emre Karaali: “Two of them attended our church for over a year and they were like family.” One was even baptized. In reality, “These people had infiltrated our church and collected information about me, my family and the church and were preparing an attack against us.”
In other words, Muslims converted to Christianity, devoutly attended church, and behaved like “family” to the pastor and other Christians—all so they could get close enough to kill them.
The grand lesson? Learn to trust your instincts. Once again—“If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.”
The duck test is especially important now, when the supposed “guardians” of knowledge and disseminators of “news” (or rather fake news) have been so utterly discredited as liars with very obvious pro-Muslim, that is to say, anti-Christian agendas.
Raymond Ibrahim
Photo: Flickr
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