In the world of honest journalism two facts emerge every day. First, when a few Bible verses are quoted, or too much emphasis is placed on the right and wrong of a current event – it is tucked away in the religious category, never to be heard or seen again.
The second, plunge into surrealism is the fact that now most Americans are discussing the lesser of two evils. The idea that one thing is solidly evil, but another is not quite so evil. No right and wrong, only shades of difference.
This writer has never been offered $50K for some childish art piece like Hunter Biden, but I have produced a few pieces and studied art with great relish in my college days.
The first thing we learn about color, shades and hues is that there are not any colors without primary colors. In the case of grays, which is considered a hue not a color, there is also, no shade of gray without black and white.
Society has pillars so it will not crumble like an old outhouse. The Bible, the Constitution and all State laws and statutes are not unreasonable restraints to take away the life or freedoms of a people. They are the mortar, the glue, by which each generation is guaranteed a future.
We are a picture of the greatest nation on earth, now being re-painted with no primary colors and no blacks and whites. It is hard to imagine something so ugly – or is it?
Glance over the news stories of any reputable news outlet today, and you can see this hideous picture of our nation emerging.
Even Hunter would have trouble selling that ignominious painting.
Are we calling on pop culture figures, comedians, and the Devil himself to save the nation?
Some say, we should beware that a women who prances around in glittering underwear and sings about a whole lot of diddly, may single-handedly get Biden re-elected. Swift will be a pudgy middle-aged has-been, in short time. She will take her place among the forgotten, like Madonna or Lady Gaga, in only a few short years.
Should we fear a pop culture icon, with no more political savvy than a fifth grader. Is there no dignity left in the American citizenry? Shall we go to the game and cheer, all while hoping for a glimpse of America’s latest pop-culture flash in the pan?
Christ told us to have faith and, become like little children. We would rather throw faith in the trash bucket and remain completely childish.
Can we take enough drugs to make reality a perpetual Disney World, while the nation crumbles like a monolithic national monument made of cheap plaster?
Once, the mention of the great cultural centers of London, New York, Paris and Rome would spark ideas of great accomplishments, great people, and legendary leaders.
Today, we can hit an online search engine in in seconds see a video of high-ranking New York Police officers being beaten, kicked, and humiliated in front of those they are sworn to protect. The mob of cop beaters are young foreigners who sought out our nation as a refuge from the oppression of their own native birthplaces.
They pass through NYC’s revolving door legal system, and then return to the streets making public gestures (the finger) to insult us, all of us, as they go.
We look like fools because we are acting like fools. Or as one said, stupid is as stupid does.
Don’t tuck these warnings away in the backwaters of collective national obscurity, but take heed and then act.
The most perplexing times and the most complicated problems often have simple answers. Often it is only a matter of priorities. What is first in our lives, who or what is at the top of our thinking?
Here is one short answer.
Put Christ on the throne of your heart. Put a good President like Donald Trump back in the Oval Office and put the love of America back in the hearts of our children.
But, if we insist that there is no solution to any of our problems from the above stated remedy – then consider this.
When the inexplicable happens to us in the future , on any scale small or great, think of what Christ told one group of people who couldn’t explain why such a bad thing happened to good people.
Ponder it carefully, it does apply to us.
“There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” (Lk 13:1-5)
Learn this. There is no fickle finger of fate, but there is a particular fate for the fickle.
Repent America.
Michael Bresciani
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