This week, the justices of the Massachusetts Supreme Court are examining the atheists challenge against “one nation under God” in the pledge of allegiance. They will be trying to determine if that phrase violates the equal rights amendment of the state’s constitution.
We can only wonder if the atheists have nothing better to do with their time and money than to hire attorneys to question the pledge, since no student is forced to recite the pledge. It is totally voluntary.
Federal courts have previously ruled that the pledge does not violate anyone’s constitutional rights, but the atheists keep raising this and similar issues across the land. In the spirit of antichrist the attacks bring to mind the warning of the prophet Daniel, who in describing the relentless godless pursuits of the final antichrist said he would try to ‘wear out’ the church and the body of believers by changing the law.
“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” (Dan 7: 25)
Don’t look now, but it has already begun.
It is not a Debate – It is Warfare
Disputes about the rapture (catching away of the believers) may persist, but a casual glance at world events, politics and international unrest should be enough to make any student of prophecy stand to attention. Oddly, for the apostate church, bent on keeping the peace and complying to the status quo, this is not what is happening.
End timers are charged with panicking and discouraging the sweet flow of love and tolerance the church is ‘supposed’ to be spreading around the world. The idea of the church dumping sweet honey on a crumbling world is not derived from the Bible and it is contrary to scripture on several levels.
According to scripture God will send last days workers of every kind to warn, rebuke, exhort and admonish the world for its willful decline into reprobation. The cotton candy gospel is an abomination to God, and it is irresponsibility of the highest kind in a time when time is about to run out.
Jesus told us to love our neighbor and our enemy, but he was far from naïve. He knew that by doing so, the effect would be as Paul described, “Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.” (Ro 12: 20) The one who called for such love is also known for saying this, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Mt 10: 34)
The call to war, to resist and to fight against demonically driven antichristian acts, whether done by atheists, Hollywood minions, liberal lawmakers or Godless educators is clear in words and phrases like this, “Fight the good fight…” (1Tim 6: 12) and “Put on the whole armour of God” (Eph 6: 11) what believer who takes his faith seriously has not pondered Paul’s admonishment to his young disciple Timothy? “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” (2Tim 2: 3)
Militant terms like these are what were in the thinking of Cambridge educated lyricist, Sabine Baring-Gould, who mastered six languages and wrote over one hundred books as he penned the immortal words found in the much beloved Christian hymn ‘Onward Christian Soldiers.’
In a time when organizations like the ACLU and others are trotting from state to state trying to block, banish and remove all kinds of Christian crosses, the real church should be raising the cross as its noble and everlasting banner.
This universal sign, the cross, may be the last thing atheists want to see, but even more amazing is the fact that they will get their hearts desire. The last thing to be seen by a reprobate world just before the kingdoms of this world are removed from men and given to the Son of the Living God is the sign of the cross. To wit:
“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” (Mt 24: 29, 30)
Sabine knew that the cross would be carried in the hearts and testimonies of believers until the very last moment of time, but even when every effort to remove it was accomplished the one who hung on the cross will bring it into view for every man woman and child upon the earth. If he doesn’t hide it, why should we?
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe.
Forward into battle see His banners go!
Sabine Gould, 1834 – 1924
How far have the mighty fallen, as part of the church slithers into apostasy and cozy’s up to a degenerate world? It is clearly seen in the fact that this song was sung at the funeral of President, Dwight Eisenhower at the National Cathedral in Washington DC in 1969, but only a few weeks ago that same cathedral was ringing its bells for the homosexual victory for same sex marriage. Nothing says, apostasy, better than this.
Will we tell our preachers and prophets to tone down the message in a time like this? In fact, it is fleeting time that urges God’s best to stand in this hour and let their voices be heard. A dark night is approaching when trying to find good preachers of the will and counsel of God will become very difficult. (Jn 9: 4)
The Weavers Shuttle – A Warning against Silence
Job was an upright man from an area known today as southwestern Jordan. He was severely tried by God and in the height of his trial he lamented with words that are seen as poetical, but deeply meaningful.
“My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and are spent without hope.” (Job 7: 6)
When Job said these words the weaver’s shuttle could only be set in motion by hand. Although weavers had a system by which they could move their stick shuttles through the weft yarn pretty quickly it cannot be compared with the automatically powered shuttles of a later time.
As a young man in my late teens, my dear friend, Leo, took me to an old textile mill in Woonsocket, Rhode Island where his late father worked as one of the last loom operators of his time. The loom, made at the turn of the nineteenth century, was about fifteen feet wide and thirty feet long. It was used exclusively for making casket material to line coffins.
I can’t remember much about the machine except the hypnotic effect I underwent watching the shuttle zip back and forth across the weave. Known as a ‘flying shuttle’ it was a well-polished missile about 18 inches long with metal tips on each end. A large stick would snap at each side of the loom sending it to the other side with such speed that it was hardly visible to the naked eye. It was wooden lightning, syncopated, relentless and mesmerizing.
Shuttles were made largely from the incredibly hard wood of the Flowering Dogwood tree which rarely splintered and could be polished to a high shine even without lacquers. The smoothness of the wood made it easier for it to slip back and forth across the weave at speeds that would boggle the mind.
I cannot tell anyone that they have no hope, as did Job, but I can say with complete certainty that the days of fulfillment of the second coming prophecies are whisking by – exactly like the weaver’s shuttle.
The hundreds of Messianic (first coming of Christ) prophecies of the Old Testament are now fulfilled and part of the historic record. The same prophets of old told how Christ would return the second time. (Premillennial prophecies) What has changed to make us think they might be wrong?
We, who teach these prophecies, are not a band of conspiracy theorists on the backwaters of the internet and radio broadcasting circuit. We have not pimped out our message for cash and we don’t need approval or acclaim from President, politicians, pundits, bloggers, scientists, or skeptics. Prophetic fulfillment proves itself. Yet, we are compelled to tell you that the days are surely numbered and few.
Our Days are The Weavers Shuttle – Don’t Stifle that Message
No one except the most obstinate unbeliever, or those just living in complete denial, can say the last days, portents, prophecies and their accompanying concomitant prognostications are not whizzing by each day with ever increasing frequency.
They are happening – it is not a matter of debate.
Whether we are discussing Miley Cyrus’ pornographic escapade, or the deadly gas Syria’s Assad has used on his own people, last days events are cumulative. It might be the surge of everything filthy, prurient, and perverted or the latest push of the gay agenda to get their antics out of the bedroom and into every nook and corner of America’s public life – all of it is prophetic; all of it is – last days.
Sadly, for those who refuse to be warned it must be made clear that when Paul said, “For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night,” (1Th 5: 2) he was not simply referring to the element of surprise. What does the thief steal?
Much more than surprise, Paul was saying that something would be stolen from the house of the unbeliever and the apostate believer as well.
What is stolen is the chance to ever repent and receive the gift of eternal life.
The next time you think you’ve been called to slow down the message of an end timer – consider this very carefully. Christ is never found telling anyone to curtail the counsel of God – only the Godless do that.
In fact Christ’s last command will always be our first order of business. To wit:
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16: 15)
Some Honest Questions for Atheists
Photo: You Tube
Michael Bresciani – First Published September 6, 2013
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