The adage that two wrongs don’t make a right has been fully demonstrated in the recent events at the nation’s capital.
There was obvious widespread fraud in the presidential election, it takes no special wizardry to discern that, but it takes no great genius to recognize the foolishness of the Trump supporters in tearing up the United States Capitol Building.
Two wrongs notwithstanding, two prophetic warnings clearly mark the times we are approaching at breakneck speed.
America is clearly choosing the evil path of continued infanticide and perversion, political corruption, liberalism, and socialism, but it is Europe that makes the more deadly choice of bringing the world’s last and worst ruler to the place of full power. Among the scripturally literate he is known as the antichrist.
The revealing is marked in the prophecies of the Apostle Paul, as recorded in the book of Second Thessalonians. It is a two-step process which sweeps the world, but the last bastion of resistance has just dissolved before our eyes in the recent political outcome of our elections.
What are the two steps and how far along are we at this moment?
While the prophecy is one – it is split into two sections.
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” (2Thess 2:3,4)
The falling away is first. Adding to the apostasy of the church is the decline into political corruption and upheaval. Nations are raging and now the last bastion of freedom and morality has chosen to let it all go – America is, as it were, the final straw.
America’s fall is the signal for part two.
Out of the same geographical area as the old Roman Empire comes a dictator, a despot, a scourge that will make Hitler look like an amateur. The EU will soon discover and reveal this personage, and no one will recognize him for what he really is – until it is far too late.
This prophecy is part and parcel to the strict warnings of scripture that a final world leader, will come and easily waltz a desperately deceived world, to a worldwide judgment.
No, the disappointed crowd of Trump supporters should not have attacked the Capitol Building, but that is not the only fact we must ponder.
The truth we will all have to deal with now is, that if you are successful at electing a president by fraudulent means, then you will be stuck with a president who is after all – a fraud.
If we think “fake news” was hard to deal with, how will we cope with a “fake President.”
Michael Bresciani
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