“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.” (Luke 11:17)
I was deeply saddened by the news this morning concerning the most recent assassination attempt on President Trump. I was saddened, but not at all surprised at the attempt; what saddened me was the virulent hatred expressed by the man who was arrested for the crime.
Since Trump took office in 2017, we’ve been exposed to an epidemic of hatred in this country, and it is a hatred that knows no limits and is immeasurable by any logical human understanding. Every day it seems, some media presentation is not considered complete unless outright lying and incredible hatred is allowed to be expressed, and the term “hate crime” is routinely diluted into imbecility by the media that so many millions of our population hears every morning. How can this be understood and where does it come from?
Since the election in November 2016, a mental disorder now commonly known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has blossomed from a few weird talking-heads into an epidemic of gigantic proportions and seems now to even exceed the carefully planned epidemic known as Covid-19. Any thinking person with their head still above the level of this tsunami of craziness and hatred has to be wondering where this is taking us, and when, if ever, will this epidemic of hatred end? Of course, Jesus said it best as recorded for us in Luke 11:17. Abraham Lincoln quoted this portion of scripture in his famous Gettysburg Address, delivered late in 1863 from the battlefield in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where so many men had died in three days of fighting just a few months before.
It would seem obvious that division and hatred has always been present in this world, beginning with the Adamic betrayal in the Garden of Eden, and still growing in the wrong direction at this time. The “Fall of man” is ongoing. It did not stop with Adam, and it is getting worse by the day, not better. Consequently, we now are dealing (poorly) with the growing commonality of TDS, so common in fact that any new and dynamic episode of it hardly causes a ripple in the ponds of our minds.
Carefully pre-conditioned by our millions of infant murders for so many years and having become accustomed to them almost to the point of boredom, TDS, with its peculiar brand of hatred, seems to be an almost logical extension of this divisive trend, and in fact it is. America is quickly succumbing to being a house divided and is very reminiscent of our divided house in 1861. One doesn’t have to be much of a prophet to predict that any resulting civil war in today’s America will by far eclipse the one we fought beginning in April 1861. In fact, it would likely be supernaturally miraculous if America could survive it. And this is exactly what the Global Cabal has been orchestrating against us for many years. They now sense blood in the water, and they are exultant in their hubris as they watch our characteristic national naiveite lull us into continued slumber.
Meanwhile, our churches, with a few noteworthy exceptions, are busy using Scripture to promote their business models. The division within denominations reminds me of the people who prefer their hotdogs with mustard, while others swear by catsup; I believe a careful examination of what both groups put in their toilets the next day about sums up how “important” these divisions really are! Paul the Apostle, the one who was inspired to write almost half of the New Testament in our Bibles, said in several places he did not preach the gospel of the Kingdom in the wisdom of man, but rather with a demonstration of the power of God. It would seem that most of our current denominations have ignored the power of the Holy Spirit in their services and have rather opted to perfect their own brand of human “wisdom”. Instead of holding the line on Biblical morality, many of today’s churches have wiggled that line while fishing for denominational converts.
While many books have been written by seminarians showing our churches how to fish, and where to fish, there are nearly no books available that promote the unity of the Spirit of God…with power. If he could, I’m certain the apostle would be rolling in his grave. I am also certain that only by the sheer power of the Holy Spirit being visibly active in our many and diverse church congregations, can we hope for any cogent unity in the Body of Christ.
Never, in the short history of this nation, have we more desperately needed the power of God to be manifested in order to survive as a country and as a free society. We now have nowhere else we can go; the battle for our survival must be fought, and it must be fought here, and our only hope of winning this war rests in the ability I hope we still have, to come together as a desperate people and beg Almighty God to intervene for us.
The so-called Trump Derangement Syndrome will not end when he does; it has been loosed on us and will never end as long as we worship ourselves in our pulpits. We have placed our feet on an expanding caldron of molten hate, and soon it will burst unless the God of the Bible intervenes.
John Miltenberger
Photo: Flickr
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